• Turkey and cheddar patties with mixed grains recipe

    18th June 2021


    Cheddar 35% fat 30 grams

    Egg white, pasteurized 45 grams

    Quinoa, uncooked 35 grams

    Brown rice, uncooked 35 grams

    Spinach 45 grams

    Minced Turkey breast, 1/2% fat, uncooked 65 grams

    Garlic powder 1/2 tablespoons

    Lemon juice 10ml


    Cooking instructions

    1. Cook the rice and quinoa according to the instructions on the packet in a pot of lightly salted water.

    2. Whilst the rice is cooking add the turkey mince, egg white, spinach, garlic powder and grated cheese to a bowl. Mix well to combine and season with salt and pepper. Form the mixture into patties.

    3.Bring a non-stick pan to a medium heat and add the patties. Fry on either side for 3-5 minutes or until the turkey is cooked through but not dry.

    4.Serve the Turkey patties with the mixed grains and a squeeze of lemon.


    This recipe is written by @hannah_atkinson_pt on Instagram.


    The author of this article/blog/ is a qualified Level 3 Personal Trainer. Further detail regarding the author can be found via the website or social media handle listed above.


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